1:00 PM13:00

Transforming International Careers and Academia

Join us for a webinar on the findings of a global study on international careers and academia with a focus in North America and Western Europe. Speakers will discuss several possible courses of action with a holistic perspective for academia and scholars.

Speakers: Professor C.K. Noble and Professor Emerita Sonja A. Sackman

Learn more at https://www.sparksreadings.com/webinar-2025-haed/

Register at bit.ly/HAEdFeb62025

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6:00 PM18:00

How to work with International Development Organizations

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Join us for a webinar with Dr. Emiliana Vegas, professor of practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). She will present her new book, “Let’s Change the World, How to Work with International Organizations to Make a Difference.”  She will speak from her research and practice focus on improving educational opportunities in developing countries. 

Professor Vegas earned a doctor of education degree from HGSE, a master's of public policy degree from Duke University, and a bachelor's degree in communications from the Andres Bello Catholic University in Caracas, Venezuela. Before returning to HGSE, Dr. Vegas was co-director of the Center for Universal Education at Brookings. Before Brookings, she was chief of the Inter-American Development Bank's Education Division, overseeing the Bank's lending operations and technical assistance projects throughout Latin America and Caribbean countries. Before joining the IDB, she spent over ten years at the World Bank, leading research and operations on education systems in various low- and middle-income countries.

Dr. Vegas has written extensively on issues affecting education systems in Latin America, the Caribbean, and other developing regions. Her academic papers and books cover topics including policies to leverage technology to accelerate learning and skills development, raising teacher effectiveness, school finance policies, and early childhood development policies.

Learn more at: https://www.emilianavegas.com/

Register at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/jQHVdb1-S0myZuFWG6Pi-A

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5:00 PM17:00

Race, Gender, and Education: Experiences, Expectations, and Narratives

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Curtis Valentine (MPP '08), Maryam Sharrieff (HDS '08), Lisa Khan (EDM '06), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), Shana DeVlieger (EdM '18), Eve McCloud, and Harold Lewis (AB '85)

Thursday, January 9, 2025, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceGenderEd

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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5:00 PM17:00

Race and Response Management: So, you are a Harvard Graduate!

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Derrick Lewis (AB '78), Casey Lartigue (ALB '89 EDM '91), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), and Harold Lewis (AB '85)

Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceResponse

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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7:00 PM19:00

HAEd Annual Event!

As we wrap up 2024, join us for an annual virtual SIG event! You’ll learn more about our regions, meet our leaders and other SIG members, and play some holiday-themed games with prizes.

We hope to see you there! Register at bit.ly/HAEd2024Meeting

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5:00 PM17:00

La educación en ambientes de aprendizaje democráticos

¿Cómo educar a la niñez y la juventud para construir y practicar la democracia? La relación entre la calidad de las democracias y las actitudes de las y los ciudadanos se ha estudiado desde diferentes perspectivas, sin embargo, el libro que detona la reflexión (“Designing democratic schools and learning environment: a global perspective”) presenta novedosas experiencias (y reflexiones a partir de estas) en que los diseños escolares y educativos han contribuido a mejorar contextos locales en todo el mundo, a partir del ejercicio de la equidad, la participación y la libertad. Participan en este diálogo una de las autoras del libro en cuestión, así como dos de sus editores, que serán acompañados por tres mujeres expertas en el estudio y la praxis educativa en México y el mundo. Así, en un contexto internacional de erosión democrática y de embates directos contra ésta desde diferentes frentes, la conformación de esta mesa permitirá reflexionar en torno al rol de la educación, - sus prácticas y diseños-, como medio para formar y fortalecer la cultura política democrática de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes.

Registro: https://fil-pensamiento.udg.mx/es/agenda/jm5z2s04jlmkff5okflgjp5p

Hotel Barceló, Salón México II, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

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6:00 PM18:00

Knudsen Vineyards Wine Tasting Reception & Pre-Holiday Party

Please join Harvard alumni and Seattle University alumni for a pre-holiday party hosted by Knudsen Vineyards!


Knudsen Vineyards is an iconic vineyard in the heart of the acclaimed Dundee Hills AVA overlooking the fertile Willamette Valley, majestic Mt. Hood, and the North Cascade mountain range.  The Knudsen family has grown grapes and made wine here for over 50 years.


Click here to Register


Knudsen Vineyards Wine Tasting Reception & Pre-Holiday Party


Thursday, December 5, 2024

6:00pm - 8:00pm PT



  $40.00 per person Members and their guests

  $100.00 per person Non-Members and their guests

  Space is limited.

Become a member here


Seattle University

Capitol Hill neighborhood

Exact location will be emailed 2 days before

to registered alumni and guests

Easy access to public transportation


Seattle University Visitor Parking info and locations



Hosted by Page Knudsen Cowles, MBA 1983, Co-owner and Managing Partner of Knudsen Vineyards


Questions: Carlos Obando, MBA 1983, Harvard Alumni for Education


We look forward to seeing you at our event!


Click here to Register

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6:00 PM18:00

Race and Hierarchy: Cultural Pecking Order

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Chi Lee (ALM '22), T. Lyn Zheng, Mable Chan (AM '93), Roland Tan (AB '97), Maryam Sharrieff (HDS '08), Lisa Khan (EDM '06), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), and Eve McCloud

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 6-7 pm Eastern [note: 6 pm start time], register at https://cutt.ly/RacePecking

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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9:00 AM09:00

Symposium on Gifted Education

  • 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA, 02138 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join HAEd and MAGE for the annual Symposium on Gifted Education. This event includes an exceptional lineup of speakers and sessions focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities in gifted education.

Register here! HAEd members can also use the code HAEd24 for a $95 discount.

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4:00 PM16:00

New Horizons of Learning: Global Experiences of AI in the Classroom

Join us for an engaging conversation about global experiences of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings. The event will be held at 16:00 hrs Chile time (GMT-03), with corresponding times for Ecuador at 14:00 (GMT-05) and Mexico at 13:00 (GMT-06).

This event will be held in Spanish with simultaneous translation to English. Register here!

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6:00 PM18:00

Environmental Racism: Examples and Prospects

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Angela Yuriko Smith, Somi Kim (AB '84), Roland Tan (AB '97), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), Eve McCloud, and Samrah Khan

Thursday, October 24, 2024, 6-7 pm Eastern [note: 6 pm start time], register at https://cutt.ly/EnvironmentalRacism

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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5:00 PM17:00

Race and Place: Travel and Real Estate

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Angela Yuriko Smith, Michelle Simpson (JD '04), Kalpana Rao (EDM '10), Roland Tan (AB '97), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), Jen Jue-Steuck (EDM '03), and Eve McCloud (Weatherhead Scholars Fellow)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceRealEstate

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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5:00 PM17:00

The Future of Race in AI/Tech

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Gary Tang (AAE '85 ALB '85), Angela Yuriko Smith, Roland Tan (AB '97), Jen Jue-Steuck (EDM '03), Chris Chambers Goodman (AB '87), Jeanne Chang, Darold Cuba (MPA '21), Barika Edwards (ALB '22 KSG '25), and Eve McCloud

Monday, September 23, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceInAI

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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5:00 PM17:00

Race and Employment: Culture in the Workplace

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Karlotta Garinet, Roland Tan (AB '97), T. Lyn Zheng, Patricia Satterstrom (AB '04 DBA '16), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), and Ruhana Hafiz (MBA '10)

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceEmployment

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions for topics for future Harvard Diversity Discussions, please contact digital@haaaa.net.

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5:00 PM17:00

Harvard Diversity Discussions

Race and Dating: Cultural Considerations

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Derrick Lewis (AB '78), Mable Chan (AM ‘93), Mohit Bathija (MBA '09), Maria Ritzema, Roland Tan (AB '97), and Emile Bellott (AM '73 GSAS PHD '76 MBA '78)

Thursday, August 22, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceDate

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

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5:00 PM17:00

Harvard Diversity Discussions

Race and Building Community Through the Arts

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Daleelah Sada (ALM '25), Elle Chu (HBS Program Services Coordinator), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), Chi Lee (ALM ‘22), and Michelle Simpson (JD ‘04)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceArts

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

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5:00 PM17:00

Harvard Diversity Discussions

Calling In vs. Calling Out About Race

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Daleelah Sada (ALM '25), Eve McCloud (Weatherhead Scholars Fellow), Janine Fondon, and Michelle Simpson (JD ‘04)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/CallInOut

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

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5:00 PM17:00

Harvard Diversity Discussions

Raciolinguistics: How Language and Race Shape Each Other

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Angela Yuriko Smith, Elle Chu (HBS Program Services Coordinator), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), Roland Tan (AB '97), Chi Lee (ALM ‘22), and Michelle Simpson (JD '04)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/Raciolinguistics

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

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5:00 PM17:00

Harvard Diversity Discussions

Race and Aging: Cultural Expectations

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Sonnet Takahisa (AB '76), Linda Ruth Ciglen (LLM ‘82), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), and Roland Tan (AB '97)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceAging

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

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5:30 PM17:30

Taking Off the Veil: Acid Attack Survivors and Their Educational Needs

The HAEd USA/Canada Region presents Hanifa Nakiryowa, an advocate of preventing new forms of gender based violence. Thousands of people worldwide fall victim to acid attacks, mostly women in violent relationships. Survivors face long term physical and psychological needs. They often face stigma and isolation. They and their families also face difficulties accessing quality education.

Register here!

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4:30 PM16:30

Summer Happy Hour - Detroit

The Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd) will be hosting a summer happy hour on Tuesday, June 18th at 4:30pm EDT at the Jolly Pumpkin - Detroit location (441 W Canfield St #9, Detroit, MI).

Incoming students (and future alumni) of HGSE will be invited as well! This will be a great opportunity to meet them and wish them well as they head off to Cambridge!

To sign up or learn more, please send an email to Mary Grech at haed.detroit@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!

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5:00 PM17:00

Harvard Diversity Discussions

Race and Making Mentors and Allies in the Workplace

Organized by Jenny Korn (MPP '98), Eve McCloud (Weatherhead Scholars Fellow), Darold Cuba (MPA '21), and Roland Tan (AB '97)

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 5-6 pm Eastern, register at https://cutt.ly/RaceAlly

This Harvard Diversity Discussion is hosted by the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A), Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance (HSAAA), Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance (HLAA), Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU), Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni Association (HKS BAA), Harvard Kennedy School Women's Network (HKSWN), Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association (HKSNEAA), Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association (HBS AAAA), Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women (ANHW), Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), Harvard Kennedy School Chicago Area Alumni (HKS-Chicago), Harvard Kennedy School New York Alumni Network (HKS-NY), Harvard Alumni for Black Advancement (HABA), Harvard Alumni for Education (HAEd), and Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development (W3D).

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4:00 PM16:00

Webinar | Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation in the Classroom: Media and Information Literacy Strategies

Artificial intelligence is present in every cell phone, within reach of most students. What educational opportunities does it generate? How can educators teach to identify false or misleading information? Organizations like Chequeado and teachers from Latin America and the Caribbean are fighting against disinformation through Media and Information Literacy. In this webinar, we will share didactic strategies, ideas, and practical resources that emerge from research and classroom experience, and other educational spaces. / La inteligencia artificial está presente en cualquier teléfono celular, al alcance de la mayoría de los estudiantes. ¿Qué oportunidades educativas genera? ¿Cómo podemos los educadores enseñar a identificar información falsa o engañosa? Organizaciones como Chequeado y docentes de América Latina y el Caribe luchan contra la desinformación a través de la Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional. En este webinar, compartiremos estrategias didácticas, ideas y recursos prácticos que surgen de la investigación y la experiencia en el aula y otros espacios educativos.

To register for the event: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwpdemrrjIvGtwNZCpYtiWTSvEEUxMt-aih#/registration

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3:00 PM15:00

HAEd SIG Meetup

  • Harvard Campus, Emerson Hall 101 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome back, Harvard alumni! Join us for a special Meet Up and Welcome event where you can reconnect with old friends and make new connections in the field of education. This in-person gathering, in partnership with the Harvard Club of Boston, is a great opportunity to share stories, exchange ideas, and network with fellow Harvard graduates who are passionate about education. Whether you're a teacher, administrator, parent, researcher, or advocate, this event is for you! Come and be a part of our vibrant community of Harvard alumni dedicated to making a difference in education. Bring your business cards and learn ways to further your engagement with HAEd. We look forward to welcoming you!

Sign up here!

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5:00 PM17:00

Learning through Experience: New Educational Models / Aprendizaje a través de la experiencia: Nuevos Modelos Educativos

Patricia Ganem, Ph.D. in Measurement, Diagnosis, and Evaluation of Educational Intervention from Anahuac University, joins us to highlight the importance of the educator's role in contextualizing and guiding the learning process, ensuring an enriching and meaningful educational experience by promoting collaboration and cooperation.

Patricia Ganem, Doctora en Medida, Diagnóstico y Evaluación de la Intervención Educativa, por la Universidad Anáhuac. Nos acompaña para resaltar la importancia del papel del educador en contextualizar y guiar el proceso de aprendizaje, lo que asegura una experiencia educativa enriquecedora y significativa al fomentar la colaboración y la cooperación.

This webinar will be held in Spanish on May 23, from 5-6pm (GMT-6). Register here.

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6:00 PM18:00

II Virtual Seminar: Educating in emergencies for all people/II Seminario Virtual: Educar en emergencies para todas las personas

The II Virtual Seminar "Educating in Emergencies for All People" brings together renowned experts who will share their experiences and knowledge working with children and adolescents in emergency and mobility situations / II Seminario Virtual “Educar en emergencias para todas las personas” reúne a destacadas y destacados especialistas que compartirán sus experiencias y conocimientos trabajando con NNA en situaciones de emergencia y movilidad.

This seminar will be held in Spanish on May 21, from 6-7pm (GMT-6). Register here.

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5:00 PM17:00

¿Qué es una escuela democrática?

¿Te imaginas una escuela donde se promueve la diversidad de opiniones y se favorece el liderazgo distribuido? ¿Cómo se vería esta escuela? ¿Es posible democratizar nuestras aulas? ¿Y nuestros hogares? En el episodio 25 de Casa y Escuela platicamos con Gustavo Rojas Ayala, quien tiene una Maestría en Política Educativa de la Universidad de Harvard y es co-editor del libro "Designing Democratic Schools and Learning Environments - A Global Perspective."

Registrar aquí!

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6:00 PM18:00

A Harvard Allyship Event collaboration between the HGSE Alumni Engagement, Harvard Club of Ireland, and Harvard Club of Boston

REGISTER: bit.ly/may7allyship 

The education of our children is multi-dimensional and extends well beyond the traditional didactic model of teaching. Educators and support professionals are essential allies within our children’s ecosystem. They are mentors, leaders, and partners in inspiring each child to learn and grow to their greatest abilities – becoming contributing members of society. Listen to three stories of Allyship across distinct communities from a panel of distinguished HGSE alumni. Graduates from this renowned destination for teaching excellence will share their own stories and insights of success in creating models for community engagement and allyship. We hope you will join us in allyship and celebration for the observance of National Teacher Appreciation Day on May 7th. 


-Elly Berke, Ed.M. '15, Dual Language Curriculum Writer/ESL Teacher at Salem Public Schools (MA) 

-Emilys Peña, Ed.M. '99, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment at Malden Public Schools (MA) 

-Miya Yamada, Ed.D. '93, Pre and Lower School Psychologist at The Packer Collegiate Institute (NY)

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5:45 PM17:45

Prof. David J. Malan: Using AI as a Personal Tutor

Please join us for an engaging, interactive, and entertaining discussion about how Prof. Malan and his team have created and are using AI as a personal tutor for his students.  Prof. Malan teaches CS50 which has more than 800 in-person students, and is the most popular class at Harvard.

Using AI as a Personal Tutor

• How do we approximate a 1:1 teacher-to-student ratio through software?

• How can we equip students with a subject-matter expert by their side at all times?

• How can we guide students toward solutions rather than offer solutions outright?

• Please join us for networking, an entertaining presentation, plus an opportunity to ask your own questions!


In Summer 2023 and Fall 2023, Prof. Malan and his team actively tested an AI-powered chatbot, implemented as a virtual rubber duck (a la rubber-duck debugging), developed specifically for CS50.  The CS50 Duck (aka CS50.ai) was first deployed to approximately 70 summer students, then to 1,000's of students online, and finally to approximately 500 on-campus students.  Prof. Malan will discuss the development of CS50.ai, detailing the challenges faced, solutions proposed, and results achieved, all toward realizing a long-held aspiration: a 1:1 teacher-to-student ratio.


Prof. David J. Malan: Using AI as a Personal Tutor - In-Person!


Monday, March 25, 2024

5:45pm - 7:00pm PT - Networking Reception

7:00pm - 8:30pm PT - Prof Malan presentation followed by Q&A


Cost:  $20 to cover our costs

Light appetizers and Soft Drinks will be served at the Private Reception


Wyckoff Auditorium

Seattle University

901 12th Ave

Seattle, WA 98122

Capitol Hill neighborhood



Prof. David J. Malan: Using AI as a Personal Tutor - In-Person!


David J. Malan, PhD, CS50 Professor

Carlos Obando, HCS & HAE Director, Harvard Alumni for Education

Kelly Charlton, HCS President

We look forward to seeing you at our event!

Watch below a recording of the event.

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