Prof. David J. Malan: Using AI as a Personal Tutor

In the Summer of 2023 and Fall of 2023, Prof. Malan and his team actively tested an AI-powered chatbot, implemented as a virtual rubber duck (aka. rubber-duck debugging), developed specifically for CS50. The CS50 Duck (aka. was first deployed to approximately 70 summer students, then to 1,000 students online, and finally to approximately 500 on-campus students. Prof. Malan discussed the development of, detailing the challenges faced, solutions proposed, and results achieved, all toward realizing a long-held aspiration: a 1:1 teacher-to-student ratio.

It was a very successful HA Ed event; we had 140 registrations, including 25 former students of DR. Malan who now live in the Seattle area.

We also simulcasted the event to Singapore and Mexico-based HA Ed members. We also had participants join from Beijing, China.

The following is a recording of the event.